Parkside regeneration FAQs

Sustainability and the environment

One of the options that is being considered is using the open spaces close to the regeneration site to provide access to the ground for the installation of a Ground Source Heat Pump. Ground Source Heat Pumps are a highly efficient way to provide heat to properties. They take heat that naturally occurs underground and convert that into heat that can be used in the home. It produces significantly less carbon than using a gas fired boiler and would help to keep properties comfortable, whilst also benefitting from low running costs.

Considering the risk of flooding is very important for all new housing. There are two main considerations, will the new homes themselves flood and will the new homes cause more of a risk of flooding to homes near-by. 

One of the main findings from the early surveys that have been carried out is that the flood zone may need to be changed. Experts have looked at the technical data which suggests that the risk of flooding is not as bad as was thought. This information will be presented to the Environment Agency for consideration. Work will be done to reduce the risk of flooding.

We do not know. Enquiries have been made with UK Power Networks, the owners of the pylons and cables, to see if they can be moved. A high-level estimate for the work to put the cables underground has been provided and will be considered as we assess the options for the area.

The homes will be designed to be highly energy efficient, making use of up-to-date technology as well as being highly insulated. This means the homes will be cheaper to run. 

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