Garfield Road

What we learnt

83% expressed that they were concerned about antisocial behaviour in the area. Of the areas that were reported to be a problem was rubbish and litter (71%), drug taking and drug paraphernalia (73%), drug dealing (60%), and fly-tipping (57%).

There were many comments explaining non-residents loitering in the communal stairwells, and there are issues with fast drivers and parking.  

We employed security guards to patrol the area for 2 weeks from the hours of 17:00 – 01:00. We asked residents if they noticed a difference, to which a majority said the amount of antisocial behaviour stayed the same (38.78%).

There was an even split on responses when residents were asked if they would be willing to pay an increased service charge to cover the cost of extra provision, such as CCTV or security staff, to reduce antisocial behaviour in Garfield Road. Due to the security guards making little impact on the feel of community safety, we have investigated other solutions.