Got a complaint about Housing?
Try talking to the member of staff or the team dealing with your issue.
If this does not resolve the problem you can make a Stage 1 complaint by
- Completing our online form - Make a complaint
- Emailing us at
- Phone us on 01932 838383
- Visiting or writing to us at the Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone, KT15 2AH when the office is open
If you need help with making a complaint let us know.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days. You should get a full response within 10 working days or an update on when you can expect a full response. If we have made a mistake we will apologise and advise what we will do to remedy it.
If you are not happy with our response you can make a Stage 2 complaint. This will be looked at by a more senior manager.
We always look for ways to improve our website. Share your feedback on how we can improve the information or structure of this web page.
To get in touch about a service we provide, use our contact us form
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