Help with paying Council Tax

If you are worried about managing your money or debts help is available.

Council Tax is generally collected in 10 monthly instalments beginning 1 April. This can be changed to 12 monthly instalments if you ask us in writing before 15 April of the tax year. 

If you find at any time that you cannot pay the full monthly instalment, you should keep paying what you can afford. Do not stop paying altogether.

It is important you let us know quickly if you are experiencing difficulty in paying your Council Tax.

Letting us know early means we can try to make arrangements with you to pay (possibly weekly or fortnightly) that could prevent us from having to take the debt to the Magistrates' Court.

If you are on a low income you may be eligible for Council Tax support

You should also check if you are getting all the state benefits available to you.

Find out the benefits you can get!

Get in touch about Council Tax

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.