Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings

Locally listed buildings

Locally Listed Buildings includes buildings and structures in addition to those on Historic England's national list. The Local List includes these heritage assets that are considered to be locally important. Whilst these assets are not statutorily designated and do not provide additional planning controls, they can be a material consideration when determining planning applications.

Purcell were appointed by the Council to update the Local List. A consultation on the Local List took place from 13 May until 24 June 2019.

The Local List was adopted by Runnymede Planning Committee on Wednesday 11 September 2019. A low resolution copy of the updated list can be found below:

 PDF icon Runnymede Local List 03 July 2019 (Low Res)

If you require a high resolution copy of the Local List, please contact:

The Council is currently updating its records and maps to include the approved updated Local List.

Get in touch about planning policy

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