Audit reports

The Statement of Accounts is audited each year by an external company appointed by the Audit Commission.

Following completion of this audit, the company tell us the main points it finds in an Annual Governance Report.

In addition, the auditors issue an annual audit letter summarising all their audit work for us.

The audit of the 2019-20 Statement of Accounts is still ongoing. The auditors have not been able to issue their opinion on the Statement of Accounts by the revised 30 November 2020 deadline due to ongoing resourcing issues. This means that the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 audits cannot be undertaken until the auditors have completed their audit of the 2019-20 Statements.

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file Runnymede Borough Council  audit letter 2018 - 19

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file Audit completion report 2018-19

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file Annual audit letter 2017-18

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file ISA 260 2017-18]

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file Annual audit letter 2016 -17

PDF icon to indicate a PDF file ISA 260 2016-17