Facilities management privacy notice - Privacy notices

What personal information do we collect?

We receive and process basic information about staff and councillors. This includes

  • your name, job title, department and HR staff reference number
  • your picture
  • your location We receive this information from the Human Resources Department and from the relevant departmental managers.

The picture is taken by the FM Department to display on the access cards and our electronic phonebook. Your location will be recorded when the access cards are used. We also request the name and relevant personal details from visitors to our buildings.

Why do we process personal data?
We have a legitimate interest in making our buildings secure and recording who had access. Access into the Civic Centre from outside and internal circulation is controlled by magnetic locks which are released by staff access cards. Therefore, the information is necessary to produce, issue and manage swipe cards for access to the Civic Centre and enable staff to print documents.
Who has access to your personal data?

The data system can be accessed by

  • Facilities Management staff
  • Safer Runnymede
  • ICT Department
  • Managers and HR for disciplinary or health and safety purposes in accordance with our policies.
How do we protect personal data?
We take the security of your data seriously. The organisation has internal policies and controls in place to ensure that your data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed, and is not accessed except by its employees in the performance of their duties. Data will only be processed by members of staff authorised by us for this purpose. Access to our systems is limited to members of the teams noted above, whose job role requires access to the personal data.
How long do we keep your personal data?
Information is kept on each individual staff member for the duration of their employment. Once the staff member has left, the data will be removed. We destroy visitor sign in records after 21 days.
Your rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights, including access to your data. A request for access can be made via our website or by sending an email to foi@runnymede.gov.uk

Data Protection Subject Access Request(SAR) | Introduction – Runnymede Borough Council

To find out more about your rights please see the ‘Your Rights’ section of our main privacy statement

If you believe that Runnymede Borough Council has not complied with your data protection rights, you should initially try to resolve it with the relevant department.

If you are unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) who will investigate. If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the DPO’s review you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner. You can find out further information on making a complaint to the Information Commissioner on their website Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)