Postal voting

Postal vote frequently asked questions

You can arrange a postal vote for the following periods: for a maximum period of three years after which you will have to re-apply if you wish to continue to vote by post; for a certain election; or for a defined period. If you would like to confirm your postal vote arrangements, please contact Electoral Services.

The postal vote can be sent to any address you supply at the time of application. It is your responsibility to ensure that Runnymede Borough Council receives the postal vote by 10pm on polling day. If you are already registered for a postal vote and you would like to change the address your postal vote will be sent to, you will need to provide a reason to have your postal vote re-directed.

The postal vote can be sent to any address you supply at the time of application. It is your responsibility to ensure that Runnymede Borough Council receives the postal vote by 10pm on polling day. If you are already registered for a postal vote and you would like to change the address your postal vote will be sent to, you will need to provide a reason to have your postal vote re-directed.

New security measures have been put in place to mitigate electoral fraud. The National Insurance Number, date of birth and signature is used to verify the application is not made by someone else.

If you are unable to provide a signature or require help to complete the form, please contact Electoral Services.

Get in touch about elections

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online forms which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak to us give us a call during office hours and talk to our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.