Community Transport: Taking you where you want to go!

Our Community Transport service provides a safe and convenient door-to-door transport service to appointments, facilities and social activities in the local area.

Who is the service for?

Our service is for residents who find it difficult or are unable to access public bus services. This may be for reasons such as a physical, sensory or learning disability, frailty, mental health problems or unavailability of bus services.

How it works

Our accessible vehicles allow easy access for all our passengers. All of our vehicles can carry people who travel seated in their wheelchair. Our fully trained drivers are there to help passengers as required.

The service operates Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm, giving users the flexibility to travel when and where they want to go.

Carers are able to travel as a companion free of charge.

How to book

Before booking your first journey, sign up to our free of charge membership. To register, please complete the form on our website or call 01932 425050

Once registered, you can book a journey by emailing or call 01932 425050

You can book your journeys up to six days in advance.

What does it cost?

Our journeys are competitively priced, providing affordable transport for users.

For more details, visit or call the team on 01932 425050

Why choose us?

As a Council service, we are also uniquely placed to be able to refer you to other council services which help keep you safe and independent in your own home, such as Meals at Home, and community alarms.

Published: 31 July 2024