Score for AddlestoneOne regeneration project

KickX arena in Addlestone
The KickX arena in Addlestone

The regeneration of Addlestone town centre has been kicked up a notch with the official launch of the world’s first hybrid football arena – KickX.

The launch event saw visitors watch brand new sports such as panna, teqball and padbol showcased by some of the best players in the UK.

KickX is located in the biggest unit in AddlestoneOne, Runnymede Borough Council’s regeneration project in the heart of Addlestone. It was designed to offer an improved quality of life for residents, a refreshed town centre, and a new social hub with businesses, leisure and dining, and town centre accommodation.

Council Leader, Cllr Tom Gracey, said:

“I am delighted to welcome KickX to Addlestone. For Runnymede to be home to the world’s first hybrid football arena is a real source of pride. It also has the potential to give the town significant profile in the sporting world.


“At its inception, AddlestoneOne was intended to be a home for high quality retail and leisure businesses which could draw people from a wider area, beyond our borough boundaries. 


“With its innovative approach to sport, KickX will be a game changer for Addlestone, and being located in such a prominent position in our regeneration scheme means they have the best chance of success, creating new jobs in the process.”

AddlestoneOne opened in 2018 to give people more choice and boost the local economy. It includes shopping and leisure opportunities and 214 residential apartments, many of which have been successfully sold or rented.

Cllr Gracey added:

“Taken together with The Light Cinema, Smith and Western, Nando’s and other businesses, this venture demonstrates again the success of our commitment to regeneration and supporting economic growth in our towns. It reflects our dedication to strengthening our communities, fostering economic development, and promoting the health and wellbeing of our residents.”

Cllr Myles Willingale, Deputy Council Leader, added:

“The dynamic blend of homes, businesses, and leisure offerings at AddlestoneOne has created a vibrant atmosphere that is attracting both residents and visitors to our town.


“We are proud of the bold decision to build AddlestoneOne and are pleased to see the project's success unfold over time. It serves as a testament to our investment in the future of our region and our unwavering support for our residents' diverse needs.”

Published: 9 November 2023