Surface water management

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) introduction

The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) has been updated. Defra published Non-statutory Technical Standards for sustainable drainage systems which schemes will be assessed against. The 15 April 2015 Advice Note supporting the provision of a Sustainable Drainage Statement is detailed below

1. Introduction

1.1 The Government strengthened planning policy on the provision of sustainable drainage for ‘major’ planning applications. This came into effect on 6 April 2015. It is now a material consideration for planning decisions and plan making. From this date, all ‘major’ planning applications must consider sustainable drainage systems. The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) has been updated and Defra has published Non-statutory Technical Standards for sustainable drainage systems against which schemes will be assessed.

1.2 Decisions about the suitability of sustainable drainage provision (SuDS) are made by Runnymede Borough Council as the local planning authority. However, under The Town and Country (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 which came into force on 15 April 2015, Surrey County Council, in its role as Lead Local Flood Authority, is a statutory consultee for all major applications.

1.3 All major applications submitted to Runnymede Borough Council must be accompanied by a Sustainable Drainage Statement. The purpose of this advice note is to set out the information required to form part of a Sustainable Drainage Statement to support a major planning application. This advice note forms part of the Council’s ‘local list’ of information requirements as set out in the RBC Validation Document. Major applications that are not submitted with a Sustainable Drainage Statement will not normally be regarded as a ‘valid’ application. The Council has produced a Surface Water Drainage Summary Statement proforma which is linked to the requirements of the Non-statutory Technical Standards, to assist applicants in summarising the information that should be provided in detail within their Sustainable Drainage Statement. A valid application will normally include a Sustainable Drainage Statement and the summary proforma.

1.4 This advice note has been prepared in collaboration Surrey County Council and the other districts and boroughs in Surrey.